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Rick Thompson

As a kid, I would write my thoughts into poetry. At 16, I began listening to artists like Bob Dylan, James Taylor, and Neil Young. Around this time, I started getting serious about playing my guitar. I vividly remember sitting in the basement playing Bob Dylan songs over and over, and I haven’t stopped playing guitar since. I wasn’t the only one in my family who fell in love with the instrument. My dad and uncle took to the guitar, which helped instill that passion in me. That family connection makes it a sentimental as well as a creative pursuit. Simply put, playing the guitar is something I have to do, it is my outlet in life.

Over the years, I have had many opportunities to get my music out there, from Larryfest, to traveling to California to play for producers. I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had to share my music with other artists in the music industry. The beauty of playing an instrument is that it is something you never learn completely. My first two albums, which will be available on this site soon, are very personal. The music tells the stories of the good and the hard things in my life. It has taken me many years to get my albums just perfect, but I am now ready to share them with the world. Anyone that knows me personally knows, I am at my best when I am in a room surrounded by my guitars. This is just a short outline of who I am as an artist, I hope through my music you get to know me better.

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